We celebrated EJ's first birthday with family and friends on Sunday. EJ had a wonderful time seeing everyone and we feel so blessed that there are so many wonderful people in his life (and ours). I had hoped to post some pictures of EJ at his celebration, but in looking at the pictures we took - I was shocked to see that we don't have one single picture of the little man on his birthday! We were busy taking pictures of all of his guests! :) We do have a short video of him being presented with his cake. Thanks to everyone who was with us to celebrate as well as those who celebrated with us from a distance!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Happy Birthday EJ
Today it's your 1st Birthday!!
We can't believe we welcomed our little man to the world one year ago!! The time has gone by so fast!! To celebrate, I thought I'd post a few of his recent "1-year old" photos! We'll have the big celebration on Sunday!
The milestone for his 1st birthday - learning to walk. He took his first steps a few weeks ago, but now has mastered the skill in the last few days. It is truly amazing and so fun to watch!

We can't believe we welcomed our little man to the world one year ago!! The time has gone by so fast!! To celebrate, I thought I'd post a few of his recent "1-year old" photos! We'll have the big celebration on Sunday!
The milestone for his 1st birthday - learning to walk. He took his first steps a few weeks ago, but now has mastered the skill in the last few days. It is truly amazing and so fun to watch!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Barbeque Time!
Over the weekend my friend Sebastian came over with his parents to have dinner with us. Sebastian and I had such a good time playing with our toys together. We were so good playing on the blanket in the yard while our parents ate. I tried to pull Sebastians' hair a few times...and then I tried to yank off his sandal, but I couldn't get it and he was a good sport about it - he didn't even cry. Mom told me that I shouldn't pull other people's hair - but I don't understand that - it's so fun to grab things!! I hope I get to see Sebastian again soon!
Playing with Sebastian

With our wonderful Dad's
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
6 months old
I turned 6 months old earlier this month, so I asked Mom to put up another blog update.
First of all for my stats...I weighed in at 19 pounds, 13 oz and measured 28 1/2 inches long at my six month check up. That puts me in the 95% for height and dropped me down to the 85% for weight. Despite this minor decrease down the 85th %tile, my parents still call me "Buddha" an awful lot. I guess the nickname does fit pretty well. The other night some high school football coaches were already trying to recruit me. Mom says I can't play football -- she says I'll like basketball much better. I guess I'll have to wait and see.
I've mastered the skill of sitting up and I just love it. I don't like to lay on my back anymore because sitting is so much more fun! I still practice with my tummy time and rolling - I can roll over but then I get caught on my arm. I haven't quite figured out how to get my arm out from underneath me and I get so frustrated.
I get to eat a lot more foods now - vegetables, fruit, chicken, oatmeal - I really haven't found any foods that I don't like. But I think pears are probably my favorite. I'm trying to use a sippy cup for some water during the day, but it's a little tricky - I need another month or so to practice.
Mom and Dad took me to Minnesota this past weekend. I had so much fun visiting my Grandma Dorothy and my aunt, uncle and cousins. I was so well behaved on the plane rides - I love flying!! My Mom went to meet her friend Becky, so I also got to meet Becky's two sweet little twin girls - Ava and Eliana - we all took a walk around Lake Calhoun.
Here are some recent pictures...

Watching the baby ducks at the park -- serious business!

On top of Mom's head

At the park
Sitting up in the hotel room chair
Playing with Ava (Eliana was in her swing)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
5-1/2 months old!
My mom's not very good at keeping this blog-thing updated. Now that she's back at work, I keep hearing her say she hardly has time for anything. I don't know what she means - because she plays with me an awful lot!! We go on walks, read books, go to playgroups with other Mom's and babies. I always have so much fun with Mom!!
The weekends are my favorite when Mom's home from work and Dad doesn't work quite as much. During the week Mom and Dad leave me at home with Grandma or with Marta, my wonderful nanny. When Marta's at my house we practice speaking Spanish. I love learning a second language!
These days I'm really busy trying to roll over and sit up. Mom thinks I'll sit up before I roll over - that's how good I am at it!! I love grabbing my toes and screaming to see how loud my voice sounds. And my favorite thing to do is read books. I can read for about an hour and I give happy screams and squeals the entire time! My parents can't believe how long my attention span is for reading books!
Mom and Dad have started to give me some new foods. It's fun to have something other than milk every once in a while. I love pears and prunes. Bananas are okay. I heard I get to try some veggies this week -- I hope I'll like them!!
The weekends are my favorite when Mom's home from work and Dad doesn't work quite as much. During the week Mom and Dad leave me at home with Grandma or with Marta, my wonderful nanny. When Marta's at my house we practice speaking Spanish. I love learning a second language!
These days I'm really busy trying to roll over and sit up. Mom thinks I'll sit up before I roll over - that's how good I am at it!! I love grabbing my toes and screaming to see how loud my voice sounds. And my favorite thing to do is read books. I can read for about an hour and I give happy screams and squeals the entire time! My parents can't believe how long my attention span is for reading books!
Mom and Dad have started to give me some new foods. It's fun to have something other than milk every once in a while. I love pears and prunes. Bananas are okay. I heard I get to try some veggies this week -- I hope I'll like them!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
March Madness!
I love basketball!!! My Mom and Dad have been watching a lot of it lately - they say it's called "March Madness" and they've been saying "Go Dawgs" or "Go Boilermakers" a lot. When they have the TV on, I like to turn my head and watch the boys running up and down the court. It looks like so much fun - maybe I'll try playing basketball one day.
This weekend I got to wear my Purdue outfit while we cheered on the Boilermakers playing Texas A&M. Later this week, I'm putting on my Husky jersey to watch Washington beat West Virginia. This might be my favorite time of year!
Friday, March 12, 2010
EJ's First Vacation!
My Mom said she didn't get to go on an airplane until she was 8 or 9 years old...but I got to fly at only 3 months!! My parents were a little worried about how I would travel - but I traveled like a pro!! No crying on the plane at all! I loved Puerto Rico - I didn't have to wear layers of clothes like I do in Chicago, I got to go swimming and take lots of naps outside in the warm breeze. It was a great getaway for all of us! I can't wait until our next family vacation!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
2 Months Old!
I can't believe I'm already 2 months old - and my parents can't believe it either! Mommy took me to the doctor this week for a tough visit - I had to get my 2-month old shots. But I did great! I only cried a few seconds and then smiled. I think it was harder on my Mom then it was on me.

My Nana Nita moved here a few weeks ago from Seattle. It's nice having her so close because now I get to see her almost every day. I like talking to her and cuddling with her. Her and my Mom took me on my first road trip last week - we drove up to Minnesota to meet several relatives. My great-grandma Jeanne turned 90 and I felt so lucky to be there to wish her a Happy Birthday. I also got to meet some of my great-aunts and second cousins from my Mom's family, and my Auntie Erika and cousins Luke and Jewel on my Dad's side. I was excited to give my Grandma Dorothy kisses again - she hadn't seen me since I was a newborn in the hospital.
Earlier this month I also got to meet my great-grandma Hemphill. I can't believe I have two great-grandmas who are 90 years old - I hope I get to live that long! I have really started to enjoy my baths - in fact sometimes, I get really mad when Mom and Dad take me out of the water. I can't wait until I get big enough for swim lessons!
Saying Happy 90th Birthday to my Great Grandma Jeanne
Meeting Great-Grandma Hemphill

Visiting Grandma Dorothy in Minnesota

Meeting Auntie Erika for the first time
Loving my bath time with Daddy
Sunday, January 10, 2010
5-weeks old
This weekend I got to meet a new friend! I was so excited when Mom and Dad told me we were going to church to meet Sebastian and watch him get baptized. It was hard to try to be quiet for the service, but I did it and I was so proud. My favorite part was when Sebastian got dunked in the water three times for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit -- I was a little scared for him, but he did great! His Godparents were there and lots of his family and friends came to help him celebrate his special day! I can't wait until my special day - I know it's so important to be baptized. God Bless Sebastian!
I was especially excited to meet Sebastian since his Dad works with my Dad. I kept hearing our parents say that maybe Sebastian and I will be the next-generation owners of Redefined Fitness! Even if Sebastian and I don't end up taking over our Dads' company, I'm sure we will certainly grow up running around the gym as Junior Redefined Partners in Crime! I can't wait to see my new friend again soon.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
EJ's First Month
EJ turned 4 weeks old this past Thursday - we can hardly believe how much he's changed and grown in just one month! He's brought so many smiles and so much joy to our lives already -- it's hard to remember what our lives were like without him. It's also quite amazing how much time we spend just watching the little guy! His accomplishments so far include learning to smile, rolling from his back to his side and finding his thumb to suck on! We're still working on the sleeping schedule - for now he likes to party at night and rest up during the daytime hours, so he had no problem staying up to ring in the New Year!
Here are some photos that were taken over the past 4 weeks....we'll try to be better about keeping weekly updates/photos going forward. Thanks to everyone for all of the generous baby gifts, love and support! If you haven't met EJ yet, we look forward to introducing him to you sometime soon! Happy New Year!

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