I turned 6 months old earlier this month, so I asked Mom to put up another blog update.
First of all for my stats...I weighed in at 19 pounds, 13 oz and measured 28 1/2 inches long at my six month check up. That puts me in the 95% for height and dropped me down to the 85% for weight. Despite this minor decrease down the 85th %tile, my parents still call me "Buddha" an awful lot. I guess the nickname does fit pretty well. The other night some high school football coaches were already trying to recruit me. Mom says I can't play football -- she says I'll like basketball much better. I guess I'll have to wait and see.
I've mastered the skill of sitting up and I just love it. I don't like to lay on my back anymore because sitting is so much more fun! I still practice with my tummy time and rolling - I can roll over but then I get caught on my arm. I haven't quite figured out how to get my arm out from underneath me and I get so frustrated.
I get to eat a lot more foods now - vegetables, fruit, chicken, oatmeal - I really haven't found any foods that I don't like. But I think pears are probably my favorite. I'm trying to use a sippy cup for some water during the day, but it's a little tricky - I need another month or so to practice.
Mom and Dad took me to Minnesota this past weekend. I had so much fun visiting my Grandma Dorothy and my aunt, uncle and cousins. I was so well behaved on the plane rides - I love flying!! My Mom went to meet her friend Becky, so I also got to meet Becky's two sweet little twin girls - Ava and Eliana - we all took a walk around Lake Calhoun.
Here are some recent pictures...
Wearing Mama's hat at the Street Fest
Yes, I do know how to smile and laugh...but I'm still serious most of the time
Loving the swing!
Watching the baby ducks at the park -- serious business!
On top of Mom's head
At the park
Sitting up in the hotel room chair
Playing with Ava (Eliana was in her swing)