Friday, March 18, 2011

15-Month Stats

Well, we can no longer call him "Buddha"... previously at the 90th percentile for weight, EJ is now weighing in at 22# 6oz -placing him at 18% for weight! He is now tall and skinny instead of tall and round! Guess we'll have to work on a new nickname for him. There's no question as to how he maintains his build - he is constantly on the go, exploring and getting into everything -- just as a 15-month old should! His height is still over 95% - measuring 33 inches! (This means there is still a great possibility for success in basketball - woohoo!)

He's working on his talking skills - his official words are "mama" - "dada" - "hot" - "out" and sometimes "hi." I'm sure new ones will continue to be discovered daily as he is quite the chatterbox from the moment he wakes up every day.

In other news...I think most people know that EJ will be a big brother in just a few more months - baby #2 is due on June 3rd! I will try to post some belly pictures over the weekend.