On Sunday we took an adventure up to Wisconsin for some Fall Fun...Apple Picking and a visit to the Pumpkin Patch! I originally had planned spending all weekend finalizing everything for our condo, since it is going on the market this week -- but with the 80 degree weather this weekend and as a form of procrastination, I thought a family outing was a better idea! Having heard some good reviews about "Apple Holler" - we chose this as our destination..and we had a good time of course...but let's just say it was nothing as I had imagined!!
It was definitely a whole day affair instead of just a few hour activity as I had expected. The place was incredibly crowded and we waited almost 30 minutes to get inside...I'm not sure if it's always like this or if it was that everyone within driving distance had the same idea for a beautiful fall day. When I first saw the line, my thought was to head home and think of a less crowded adventure, but this is hard to explain to a toddler who has patiently sat in his carseat for 45 minutes - he was dying to get out and see "apples" (which is one of his newest words). And I didn't exactly want to get back into the car either since Maya had cried the entire way!! Unfortunately, getting out of the car didn't stop Maya from crying either - she proceeded to scream for about another hour even though she was being held and carried in the front pack -- oh the joys of a colicky baby!!
Nonetheless, our quick morning adventure turned into an all day affair that was fun for all...