I'm One Month Old already!! To celebrate, my Dad said there were fireworks for me! July 4th was so fun--I got to meet some of my relatives who were visiting from Seattle and Minnesota. My Grandpa Miller came to visit along with his sister, my Great Aunt Bronwyn, who lives in Wisconsin. And my Grandma Dorothy also came to visit from Minnesota! It was so fun to see all of them. I was sad when everyone had to go home.
So far I'm sleeping pretty good - sometimes 4 to 5 hours at a time! (Mom said my brother didn't sleep that long until he was almost 6 months old, so maybe I'll get on her good side.) I love to be held and simply close to someone...I really don't like to be put down (which makes some of Mom's days pretty hard). I also think I have some nicknames...I hear Mom call me "Spit-up Queen" and "Miss Maya" a lot every day.
We went to visit the doctor to get my one-month stats...she said I'm doing great!
Weight 10 Pounds 2 oz (73%)
Height 22.5 inches (90%)
One Month Old

EJ and Nana on 4th of July
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