I've had a few requests from some of you wanting to hear more about our story together. Well, here you go....a very, very brief synopsis...
Jenn -- a very busy Physician Assistant working in family medicine in the daytime, pediatrics on Tuesday nights and with honorable military men and women on the weekends -- has always wanted to be a Mom! For how long? Probably since I was carrying along my "baby doll" everywhere I went as a child. Looks like my wish has come true, and I couldn't be more excited!! Most days I am in awe that this little miracle is actually real - growing and developing inside my body!
Eric -- a personal trainer and business owner of the largest personal training/rehab studio on the Northshore of Chicago -- is probably a bit busier then Jenn. (Working is something that both of us will need to balance out once this little guy/gal joins us!) An All-American track runner at Purdue University -- we wonder if our little munchkin will pick up track&field like dad, basketball like mom, or something totally new!
Our Story -- Eric and I met almost 3 years ago. My mom likes to tell people, "He knocked on her door." However, that's not quite true. Yes, I guess he did "knock on the door" -- but it wasn't my house nor was it intentional. I just happened to be nannying for one of my favorite families, when Eric stopped by to drop something off for them. (The mother happened to be one of his clients.) Well, within a week or so, we had both let Marie know that we were interested in one another. Our first date came a few weeks later and we dated for about a year and a half! Hitting some roadblocks as life often presents, we decided to take a little break - mainly to make sure this was what we both wanted. (Of course, at the time we made that decision, I thought it was the worst idea possible, but looking back now, I think it was the best thing that ever happened for us!)
Our trip to Africa this past February "rekindled" things for us - and wahlah - look at the souvenior we brought back! I really don't think it could get much more special than this! We're proud to say that we are stronger and better than ever as a couple and are excited to see what the future holds for both of us and our little "miracle-in the making!"