At the 22 week mark, I've come to LOVE dresses!! That's right Mom - the daughter that you've previously known to dislike dresses and skirts - she now LOVES them!
As my belly has started to expand the past few weeks, my outfits of choice are now dresses - if I had a different one for each day that's probably all I'd wear!! Loose...comfy... no tight waist band...no unzipped pants needing the "bella band" holding them up -- they're absolutely perfect!! Now I just have to get Eric to take me on a shopping spree for more - he should be excited, right?? The girlfriend he's always known to wear pants now wants to wear dresses! When's the trip to the mall??
Outside of my latest wardrobe update, things with Baby Smoot are going well. He/she is moving bunches - constant little tiny kicks and flutters to let me know how things are going in there. Eric was able to feel the little munchkin from the outside for the first time last week also - which was pretty exciting for both of us!
Thanks for your continued love and support!
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