What will our little angel look like?? I think that's something that nearly all parents-to-be ask at one time or another. And it really is amazing to think about --- genes from two people creating an entirely new unique human being! Wow!! Eric has brought this up often in the past few weeks as he watches my belly grow larger. "Do you think the baby will be our little Halle or our little Barack?" he's asked a few times. Blue eyes, brown eyes? Straight hair, curly hair? Darker complexion or lighter complexion? Well, only 15 weeks until we find out - how exciting!
We can't believe how fast the time has gone already!! We will be traveling the next few weekends to spend time with our wonderful family and friends in Minnesota and Seattle, so we will post lots of pictures of the baby's special families in the coming weeks! He or she is so blessed to have such great people who will be part of his/her life!
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